WelcomeNAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, is the leading organization for developers, owners and investors of office, industrial, retail and mixed-use real estate. |
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Subscribe | Best of the BestCongratulations to Hall of Fame Inductee Hank Brenner and all of the finalists & winners! Follow Us On Our New Social Media Pagespast NAIOP eventsOn-Demand EducationNAIOP’s online courses give you the skills and knowledge to achieve your career goals. If you would like to deepen your understanding of commercial real estate best practices and applied skills – without committing to a set weekly schedule of courses – look no further than The Center for Education’s On-Demand courses. | Industry PartnersECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Contact Kelsey Bokor, NAIOP Tampa Bay Executive Director at (813) 362-8202 or kelsey@naioptb.org, to become a sponsor of the NAIOP Tampa Bay Chapter. Sponsorship Flyer